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Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani
As organizations continue responding to the Tropical Cyclone Freddy, the Brethren in Christ Church (BICC) on Thursday distributed relief food and nonfood items to 500 households in Traditional Authority Njema in Mulanje District.

The Church and Society Program of the CCAP Blantyre Synod on Wednesday finished its Tropical Cyclone Response Project with the distribution of relief items to 50 households from Malunda village in Traditional Authority Njema at the foot of Mulanje Mountain.

A six month unblocked cash (UBC) transfer project which the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) in partnership with Oxfam implemented in Phalombe district has finally phased out.

The Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DoDMA) says it will support councils in acquisition of land for relocation of Cyclone Freddy displaced households whose native settlement land is now inhabitable.

A child rights activist Amos Chibwana has tipped Government to ensure that adoption of Cyclone Freddy affected children is done in compliance with both local and international set guidelines.

Athlete, Shantero Davie says he has plans to adopt a ten year old girl in Mulanje who lost her father during the Tropical Cyclone Freddy disaster.

Smallholder tea growers who lost their tea fields in Mulanje district during the Tropical Cyclone Freddy disaster have been challenged to get back on their feet and continue their tea production.

Centre for Development Communications (CDC) has partnered with the District Health Office in Mulanje in mobilizing the unvaccinated population in the district to access COVID-19 vaccines.
River of Life Ministries and its leader Pastor Jason Tonn of Missoula City in Montana State in the United States of America have donated 25 water purification machines to Othakarhaka Foundation, a Mulanje based local organization.

500 households in Mulanje who were affected by Tropical Cyclone Freddy on Tuesday received maize flour and kitchen plastic utensils from an international charitable organization, Bermuda Overseas Mission.


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